I was too lazy to switch the root password back, but then got the following idea. Make a new user, and insert the encrypted password string for him into /etc/passwd and see what happens.
adduser samThis works fine, asks me for a password (I respond with "sam") and things look good. I see an entry in /etc/passwd as well as a directory /home/sam created.
We have the original encrypted password line for root that we saved in an earlier exercise:
root:GJhyTePXt9Nbs:0:0:root:/home/root:/bin/shSo, lets hack that in to /etc/passwd for sam, so we get:
sam:GJhyTePXt9Nbs:1000:1000:Linux User,,,:/home/sam:/bin/shNow the big test. The password should be: e2893c3b
On my desktop fedora system:
ssh sam@ebaz sam@ebaz's password: zedboard-zynq7:~$Yep, it works. That is the correct password. Note: a fellow I am corresponding with checked some machines he has and found:
-- Tucson chpass: root:!@#gminer$%^
Tom's Computer Info / tom@mmto.org