pin 2 - 3.3 volts (Vcc) pin 4 - TMS pin 6 - TCK pin 8 - TDO pin 10 - TDI pin 12 - n/c pin 14 - n/cI measure 3.33 volts on pin 2, which is there to tell the JTAG adapter what voltage levels it should use. I could be 5 volts (very unlikely these days) or even 2.5 or 1.8 volts, so don't assume anything in the general case.
On the Antminer S9, we have a 14 pin header with the same pins. However pin 14 is a jtag reset. This is as it should be, and it certainly is too bad that reset signals are not on this connector for the Ebaz boards.
PA7 TDI PA6 TDO PA5 TCK PA4 TRST (I skip this) PA3 TMS PA2 SRST (I don't use this).So, for the Ebaz, we can forget the last 2 pins, find a ground somewhere, and wire up 5 wires and be in business. When I wired up the cable for my XVC-PIO, I used 6 wires, providing two ground connections for good measure. I do the same here also (I provide two grounds).
TDI --- GPIO B15 TDO --- GPIO B14 TCK --- GPIO B13 TMS --- GPIO B4
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