Hello World on the EBAZ4205
Videos by Dom
Given the GUI nature of Vivado and the need to interact with it in fussy ways (like hovering over
some spot and waiting for a transformation on the GUI to happen), videos are ideal.
This fellow does a nice job, and perhaps most important of all speaks slowly and clearly.
This video exposed the mystery of how to allow the PL and PS to talk to each other.
In particular (though it seems obvious now) the Zynq "processing system" block is the PS.
Use Vitis rather than Vivado?
Someone described this to me as being able to write actualy C code and get it translated to
some logic for the FPGA. This sounds even higher level that RTL languages like Verilog and
not the direction I want to head in, but you never know.
Generic FPGA Tutorials
These look good:
I had great hopes for the following "FPGA bootcamp", but it is basically just crap. Badly organized, and as near as I can tell
incomplete. Maybe trying to shoehorn it into the Hackaday.IO framework just didn't work, but the above
guides seem to manage nicely.
FPGA details
It is surprisingly hard to find details about what is in the FPGA.
One of the best things I have found so far is UG574 from Xilinx.
The Zynq is not an Artix, but they are brothers, and the datasheet at least talks about CLB, Slices, and LUTs.
This is the software tool provided by Xilinx.
Someone else making Zynq based boards.
The Z-turn board has a $99 price tag, has 1G of ram, a 16M flash, 1G ethernet.
Digilent sells products with Zynq chips on them, such as their Zybo.
This next item sells for $150. It is an Artix-7 not a Zynq however.
But at that price it is a decent candidate for learning Vivado and FPGA.
Here you go for $12. I uses a Lattice MachX02-256. Out of Stock in early 2021
Aldec has interesting articles on their blog and website.
The website requires registration and approval, which I am still waiting on.
A week later and I am still waiting, so who knows, this is a dead end apparently.
They make board level products, and some (all?) of their TySOM boards seem to
use Zynq processors.
Feedback? Questions?
Drop me a line!
Tom's Computer Info / tom@mmto.org