May 22, 2024

Binary Ninja - first steps

As near as I can tell, Vector 35 is the outfit that developed binary ninja. They have a series of videos on Youtube about how to use it:

Opening files: Ctrl-O gives you "open with options" (also available in the File menu). The "recent" list -- if you want the top item, use Ctrl-1. They say something about using a URL, but it is as clear as mud how this works (the trick is to use Ctrl-l, (lower case "L")).

Views: I find the guy talks too fast (for detail intensive technical topics anyway), so I set the playback speed to 0.75. This helps, but even with that I am finding these videos not very good for a beginner tutorial. The fellow hasn't thought too well about what his starting point is. These may be better to return to after I get started using other resources.

Other videos

There are plenty of online videos about reverse engineering in general and binary ninja in particular. As well as Ghidra and other tools.
Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

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