VIM tricks

May 13, 2013 I am running Vim 7.3. on a linux system. My $VIMRUNTIME is /usr/share/vim/vim73

My cheat sheet


Split windows

Word and Line completion

I have to tell you right up front that this is flakey as hell and I am still struggling with making it work. It sounds like a nice idea, but needs a smoother implementation. When I am lucky enough to get it to try to complete a word, it offers me a menu of candidates, and I have no clue how to navigate the menu. The usual vi motion commands do not work. Maybe the arrow keys?

The basics of this are Control-P and Control-N which search backward and forwards for words in the file being edited. The Control-X character triggers a special mode (watch the line at the bottom of the screen). When you are offered a list of words, use Control-P and Control-N to move around in the list and select what you want.



Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

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