USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE USB_OTG_dev; USBD_Init ( &USB_OTG_dev, USB_OTG_FS_CORE_ID, &USR_desc, &USBD_CDC_cb, &USR_cb);The first argument is an uninitialized device structure that will get initialized, and that we will use for other calls.
The second argument, USB_OTG_FS_CORE_ID, is a enum with one of two values -- ether FS as it is here, or HS if we want high speed. Asking for high speed will be useless for our hardware, but other chips can work either way.
USR_desc comes from the header file vcp/usbd_desc.h and holds all the stuff that will be returned to the host during enumeration. Note that it is specific to the VCP identity that we will be setting up.
USBD_CDC_cb holds a bunch of callbacks (function pointers) that are set up in library/usbd_cdc_core.c. The reference to the struct comes from the include file library/usbd_cdc_core.h CDC stands for "Communication Device Class" and is a standard class within USB. There are a bunch of other define USB classes like HID for "human interface device", mass storage device, and so on.
USR_cb holds a bunch of callbacks that are set up in vcp/usbd_usr.c. The reference to the struct comes from the include file library/usbd_usr.h
The routine USBD_Init() is in library/usbd_core.c and is quite short. I begins intializing the dev structure and makes calls to:
/* set USB OTG core params */ DCD_Init(pdev , coreID); /* Upon Init call usr callback */ pdev->dev.usr_cb->Init();
For the F4, I found the USB code at STM32F4/cores/maple/libmaple/usbF4/STM32_USB_Device_Library
For the F1, I see code at STM32F1/cores/maple/libmaple/usb (and it is much simpler than the F4)
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