Pentax and Nikon lenses on EOS cameras

It actually an be easier to adapt manual focus Pentax and Nikon lenses to Canon EOS cameras. This is because the old Pentax and Nikon bodies were thicker, and so the lenses have registration distances more compatible with EOS bodies.

M42 lenses

These are the old screw mount Takumar lenses that many of us knew and loved. You may have some of these, or can buy them for a good price on Ebay.

With an inexpensive adapter (with a focus confirmation chip), these work without compromise on and EOS camera. I have a 200mm f/4 lens that focuses nicely to infinity (actually a little beyond according to the confirmation chip).

This is a great way to sidestep the whole business of adapting FD lenses to EOS bodies. Most Takumar lenses have an auto/manual switch on the lens giving you control over the aperture without help from the adapter.

Pentax - Takumar lenses are not the only M42 screw mount lenses either. There are some superb Zeiss and Leica M42 mount lenses.

Nikon mount lenses

What I am hearing is that old Nikon lenses can be adapted readily without infinity focus issues. The adapters are cheap (as little as $12.00). Some have a design flaw. The ones to avoid are those with a black spring loaded lever. The good ones have a square tab with a hole in place of the lever.

The registration distance for a Nikon AI lens is 46.5 mm. Given the 44 mm registration distance for the Canon EF mount, it makes sense that Nikon adapters would work readily without infinity focus issues.

These adapters are best mounted on a lens and then left there. They won't hold up to being moved around a lot.

Olympus lenses

There may be ways to adapt these also.
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