Platinum is the one I know least about. I heard about a pen of their called the 3776. I didn't know why a pen should be called by a number, but then I learned that this is the elevation of Mount Fuji in meters.
Platinum 3776 Century Sansui PNB-30000B 84-2 Fountain Pen, F, Fine Point, Dual Use Type, Genuine Import
Urushi art is a lacquer process using sap from the Urushi lacquer tree. Maki-E is a technique that uses sprinkled gold powder along with painting. This pen uses masks to put the art on the pens rather than hand painting, which makes them "affordable" at a $400 price. If they were hand painted the price would probably be $1000 or more.
Sansui is a Japanese style of painting landscapes. It literally translates to "mountain water".
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