noven = 0
The oven number of the shared memory segment which should be attached.
ncomp = 0
The computer number of the shared memory segment which should be attached.
dateleft, dateright = INDEF
The dates corresponding to the left and right edges of the graph.
This is entered as a single number in the format "yymmdd": 2 digits
each for the year, month, and day of the month. If the default
INDEF is specified, then the date is today. The date is ignored
if the time origin is "now".
timelorigin, timerorigin = ""
The origins for the time offset parameters for the left and right
edges of the graph. If the origin is "" (default), the time offsets
are in the format "hhmm", and represent the time on the corresponding
date. If the origin is "now", the time offsets are signed and in the
format "dhhmm", and they are with respect to the current
time (the date parameter is ignored).
timeloffset, timeroffset = INDEF
The beginning and ending times for the graph. If the offset is
INDEF (default), use the earliest or latest time available for the
data. If the origin
is "", the time offset is just the time of day for the given
date, in the format "hhmm": 2 digits each for the hours and minutes.
24 hour time is used.
If the origin is "now", the time offset is a signed offset from the current
time. In this case the format is "dhhmm": 0 or more digits for days,
and 2 digits each for hours and minutes.
yhiorigin, yloorigin = ""
Origin for y limits. The origins may be "average",
"mindata", "maxdata", "zero", or
"". "Zero" and "" are identical. "Average" is the average of the
minimum and maximum data values to be plotted.
"Mindata" and "maxdata" refer to the
values of minimum and maximum data values to be plotted.
yhioffset, ylooffset = INDEF
The y-axis limits. These offset values are added to their respective
origin values to produce the limits for the y-axis. INDEF values with the
origin = "average", "mindata", or "maxdata" are taken as 0. If the origin
is "zero" or "", then INDEF for these offsets causes the minimum or maximum
data values to be selected for the limit.
info1, info2, info3, info4
The information to be plotted. Up to four separate items any be
specified. These may be
or one of various amperage analog readings:infox information location
jtmp junction temperatures addr ttmp time averaged thermocouple temperatures r, th, z hpwr heater powers r, th, z htmp derived heater temperatures r, th, z etmp scheduled temperatures zone ztmp average zone temperatures zone zsct scatter of zone temperatures zone xtmp expected scheduled temperatures zone
In addition, infox may be specified to be "imcur" or "=imcur". In either of these cases the image cursor is displayed, and one may select a particular heater or thermocouple to plot by centering the image cursor on the location and pressing a key. The following keys have these meanings:fcPF0 fase current fvPF0 fase voltage pcP00 panel neutral current hvC00 computer housekeeping voltage
rCfva rotation fase voltage A rCfvb rotation fase voltage B rCfvc rotation fase voltage C rCp12 rotation plus 12v power rCm12 rotation minus 12v power rCp24 rotation plus 24v power rCm24 rotation minus 24v power rCfld rotation field voltage rCamp rotation armature current rCerr rotation error rCref rotation reference rCfdbk rotation feedback rCrpm rotation speed
rClvdtN lvdt #N (0 <= N <= 15)
P = Panel number F = Fase number C = Computer number
If the images are not in the standard display frames, one may specify the information and the location by the following keys:If the images are in the standard display frames:
frame image
1 lid 2 wall 3 base 4 mold
then one may simply select the information by these keys
key infox
t ttmp h htmp p hpwr
The particular heater or thermocouple is identified from the cursor location selected.key infox location
l ttmp lid w ttmp wall b ttmp base m ttmp mold L hpwr lid W hpwr wall B hpwr base M hpwr mold
L htmp lid W htmp wall B htmp base M htmp mold
The temperature and power specifications require additional location information as listed in the above table. If no information should be plotted, use infox = "".
r1, r2, r3, r4
Radius. This specification is for information of type
"ttmp", "hpwr", and "htmp".
The units are inches. The radius along with theta and z identifies
the appropriate thermocouple or heater element whose information is
to be plotted. The element nearest the given coordinates is the one
which is used.
This may be selected interactively by specifying infox = "=imcur".
th1, th2, th3, th4
Theta. This specification is for information of type
"ttmp", "hpwr", and "htmp".
The units are degrees. The angle theta along with radius and z identifies
the appropriate thermocouple or heater element whose information is
to be plotted. The element nearest the given coordinates is the one
which is used.
This may be selected interactively by specifying infox = "=imcur".
z1, z2, z3, z4
Z-distance. This specification is for information of type
"ttmp", "hpwr", and "htmp".
The units are inches. The z-distance along with radius and theta identifies
the appropriate thermocouple or heater element whose information is
to be plotted. The element nearest the given coordinates is the one
which is used.
This may be selected interactively by specifying infox = "=imcur".
zone1, zone2, zone3, zone4
Zone specifier. The zone names are "z1", "z2", ..., "z20", and "r".
Zone "r" is identical to "z20". This specification is
for information of type "etmp", "ztmp", "zsct", and "xtmp".
addr1, addr2, addr3, addr4
Address specifier. The DNTX address of the TIC.
This specification is
for information of type "jtmp".
factor1, factor2, factor3, factor4 = 1.0
A multiplicative factor to scale the particular curve. This serves to bring
the various curves into the same range of values. A scaled curve is
indicated in the title of the graph by an asterisk ('*').
subsample = 1
Plot every n-th data value, for subsample = n.
This is useful for very long plots.
timeunit = hours
Units for displaying time. This can be "hours" for time of day in hours, or
"days" for day of month.
timezeropoint = INDEF
This specifies the beginning of the time label on the graph. The default
(INDEF) uses the times from the data files, and dateleft and the times
for the left to determine the time label on the graph. If the
timezeropoint is 0, the data is selected from the date and time parameters,
then displayed from a time origin of zero. The time origin can be set to
a date (if timeunit = days) by giving the zero point in "yymmdd"
format. If timeunit = hours, the time origin can be set to a time
by giving the zero point in "hhmm" format.
searchdir = ""
List of directories to search after the current directory to find the input
data files. This may be a comma separated list, a template, and/or a list
datadir = "uparm$"
Use this directory to hold temporary files. If datadir = "",
use the current directory. This allows different users to operate in the
same directory, yet keep their work separate.
append = no
Append to an existing plot.
device = "stdgraph"
The output device.
debug = no
Enabling debug causes a variety of diagnostic information to
be written to STDERR. If debug = "yes" then the temporary files are
not deleted.
cl> ograph info1=e zone1=z4 info2=z zone2=z1 info3=z zone3=z2 info4=z zone4=z3
[2] Graph the heater powers for heaters at (r, theta, z) = (112, 0, 10) and (54, 27, 67) for March 10, 1988.
cl> ograph datel=880310 dater=880310 info1=hp r1=112 th1=0 z1=10 info2=hp r2=54 th2=27 z2=67 info3="" info4=""
[3] Graph the amperage (fc000) and voltage (fv000) from 11:00 a.m. to now. Use directory "home$oven2/" for temporary files.
cl> ograph info1=fc000 info2=fv000 info3="" info4="" timeloff=1100 datadir=home$oven2/
[4] Graph the information in example 3, but set the y limits above and below the minimum and maximum data values.
cl> ograph info1=fc000 info2=fv000 info3="" info4="" timeloff=1100 datadir=home$oven2/ yhior=max yhioff=10 yloor=min ylooff=-10
[5] Graph the information in example 3 for the past 25 hours.
cl> ograph info1=fc000 info2=fv000 info3="" info4="" timelor=now timeloff=-10100 datadir=home$oven2/ yhior=max yhioff=10 yloor=min ylooff=-10