Instructions for converting ztmp data from the oven into a list of times and temperatures. J. M. Hill 4APR92
This is used for making the time lapse videos of glass melting, but it may have other uses.
# Write a text file from the oven image data, row 1 is zone 0 (lid) wtext /u1c/pilot/ztmp920402[1,*] STDOUT head- maxl=10 > april2.wtxt
# Edit the file to remove blank line at the beginning edit april2.wtxt
# Run awk to add the time based on 1 data point per minute # (This might have a 1 minute ambiguity.) ! awk -f awk.prg april2.wtxt > april2.temp
# This is the awk.prg file { printf "%2d:%2d %4d %5.0f Cn", (NR-1)/60, (NR-1)%60, NR-1, $0 }
# The output file format is: hh:mm decmin temp C
# For example: 1:33 93 913 C 1:34 94 913 C 1:35 95 914 C 1:36 96 914 C 1:37 97 915 C 1:38 98 915 C 1:39 99 915 C
Finished files for 2/3 april 92 are in dorado!/u2d/hill/ april2.temp, april3.temp