Oven schedules consist of nodes which are composed of a GOALTIME and a GOALTEMP. The node also has a LABEL and some wait conditions which allow the schedules of various zones to be syncronized. The parameters and data for the current node of each active zone schedule are shown in the 'Oven Overview' menu. Additional details for the current node are shown in each of the 'Zone' menus. The full schedule for a particular zone is shown in the 'Zone Schedule' menu.
To edit other node items use the GOTO key to the 'Node' menu page for the node you are editing. Use the UP or DOWN keys to move to the value that you wish to edit; press 'e', type the new value, and press return to change the value. When you change a parameter, other related parameters are automatically updated to reflect your change i.e. change GOALTEMP and RATE, GOAL CLOCK TIME, DELTA TEMP, and DELTA CLOCK TIME are all updated immediately. When you are done changing values, use the 'W' key to write the changes to the oven or discard them (press GOTO at the option you choose). All affected nodes will THEN be updated and NOT before. Schedule changes should be saved between 30 and 45 seconds after the minute to avoid disrupting the schedule computation.
These instructions apply to all the schedule parameters except the biparameters for clock time and clock status. See help clocks for instructions on how to change the clocks. The clocks tend to get out of sync when the schedule is edited, so we need to check them after changes are made. If you edit the current node, the schedule editor will display the appropriate time to set the clocks to at the top of the screen. (This applies to editing, not to copying schedules.)
"Lab Rate Dev GTemp Gtime DTemp Dtime Wait"you may copy over a schedule from another zone, OVERWRITING the current schedule in this zone. To do this, type 'e', type the zone address, and press return again. Remember that zone addresses are:
Z0 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Z9 Z10 ......... R
Be careful not to confuse zone R with node label 'r'. Node labels are optional for all nodes not involved with wait states. Labels are highly recommended for clarity. In the rotation zone, the parameters have special meanings:
Sch Temp = scheduled rotation speed (RPM) Avg Temp = measured rotation speed (RPM) Error = Error (scheduled-measured) Rate = rate (RPM/hr)
Node Label
A lowercase or uppercase letter to identify each node in the
schedule. For example 'b' or 'B'. A '*' appearing next to the label
indicates that this is the active node. Note that labels need not be
sequential. You may edit them to appear in any order.
Rate (C/hr)
The rate of change of scheduled temperature for this node.
Note that the units are (degrees per hour) not (degrees per minute).
The scheduled temperature changes at this rate until reaching the goal
temperature for the current node.
Deviation (degrees C)
This is the permissible difference between the scheduled temperature
and the computed heater temperature or zone average temperature.
Deviation is also used as a parameter for one of the wait states.
Tdeviation (degrees C)
This is the new deviation parameter used to identify discrepant
thermocouples in reference to their neighbors.
Goal Temperature (degrees C)
Goal temperature is where the schedule should be when it finishes
a particular node.
Goal Clock Time (dd:hh:mm)
Zone clock time at the end of the node.
Delta Temperature (degrees C)
Amount the temperature changes during this node. This is
redundant with Goal Temperature, Goal Time and Rate so the schedule
editor calculates the other parameters hierarchically when you specify
one of them.
Delta Clock Time (dd:hh:mm)
Amount the zone clock time changes during this node, or the
length of the node not including wait states.
Wait on Tolerance (Yes/No)
Should the schedule wait until the average temperature of the zone
is within 1 degree of the scheduled temperature?
Wait on Deviation (Yes/No)
Should the schedule wait until the scatter in the zone is less than
the scheduled deviation?
Wait on Zone/Node (Yes/No)
Should the schedule wait until some other zone has reached a specified
Wait on Zone ID (ID) (Z0-Z18,R,A)
The name of the zone to wait on. (A to wait on all zones)
Wait on Node Label (label) (a-z,A-Z)
The label of the node to wait on. Labels are not automatically
assigned. The pilot is responsible for keeeping them aligned in the schedule.
Proportional Coef. (power units per degree)
If the heater temperature is less than the scheduled temperature by
one degree, apply this many power units to the heater for the next minute.
Integral Coef. (power units per degree)
If the integrated heater temperature error is
one degree, apply this many power units to the heater for the next minute.
Derivative Coef. (power units per degree)
If the heater temperature error (compared to the previous minute)
increases by one degree, apply this many power units to the heater for
the next minute.
Integral Depth (minutes)
Depth of the leaky memory to integrate the heater temperature error.
Power Limit (power units) (0-240)
Maximum number of power units to apply to a heater in the next minute.
180 units gives a 75% duty cycle to the heater.
Zone Z0 7.6 00:01:12 S Lab Rate Dev GTemp Gtime DTemp Dtime Wait a 0.0 50.0 0.0 00:00:00 0.0 00:00:00 b* 6.3 50.0 20.0 00:03:10 20.0 00:03:10 c 25.0 50.0 95.0 00:06:10 75.0 00:03:00 d 30.0 50.0 1190.0 01:18:40 1095.0 01:12:30 e 0.0 50.0 1190.0 02:00:40 0.0 00:06:00 f -16.7 50.0 540.0 03:15:40 -650.0 01:15:00 g -10.0 50.0 20.0 05:19:40 -520.0 02:04:00Lab Proportional Integral Derivative depth Plim a 2.000000e+00 5.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 8 60 b* 2.000000e+00 5.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 8 90 c 1.000000e+00 5.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 4 90 d 4.000000e+00 1.000000e+01 3.000000e+00 8 120 e 4.000000e+00 4.000000e+00 3.000000e+00 8 120 f 5.000000e+00 1.000000e+01 3.000000e+00 12 180 g 5.000000e+00 1.000000e+01 3.000000e+00 12 180
Zone Z0 7.6 00:01:12 S Node Label b* Rate (C/hr) 6.3 Deviation 50.0 Goal Temperature 20.0 Goal Clock Time 00:03:10 Delta Temperature 20.0 Delta Clock Time 00:03:10 Wait on Tolerance No Wait on Deviation No Wait on Zone/Node No Wait on Zone ID Wait on Node Label Proportional Coef. 2.000000e+00 Integral Coef. 5.000000e+00 Derivative Coef. 1.000000e+00 Integral Depth 8 Power Limit 90
This is an example of how the heated oven zones wait for the mold to reach a specified temperature and then resynchronize the clocks. First the mold zone stops and waits for tolerance (T, 1 degree error) at node d with T=475. Meanwhile, the other zones continue ramping to T=500 where they stop and wait for zone 5 to finish node d. If the other zones had stopped to wait at node d, then it would take an arbitrarily long time for the mold to reach T=475 in an oven at T=475. After the mold reaches T=475 and starts node e, the other zones begin node f (in this case, a hold). Node f is made only 1 minute long so all zones wait there until zone 5 finishes node e and catches up to the same clock time. The synchronization hold must be only 1 minute long so all zones begin and end the node on the same minute.
......mold zone 5 c 2.0 40.0 40.0 104.0 00:15:15 12.0 00:06:00 d 7.5 50.0 50.0 475.0 02:16:43 371.0 02:01:28 T e 12.0 50.0 50.0 500.0 02:18:48 25.0 00:02:05 W Z5 e f 0.0 50.0 50.0 500.0 02:18:49 0.0 00:00:01 W A f g 0.0 30.0 30.0 500.0 03:18:49 0.0 01:00:00
......all other zones c 2.0 40.0 40.0 104.0 00:15:15 12.0 00:06:00 d 7.5 50.0 50.0 475.0 02:16:43 371.0 02:01:28 e 12.0 50.0 50.0 500.0 02:18:48 25.0 00:02:05 W Z5 e f 0.0 50.0 50.0 500.0 02:18:49 0.0 00:00:01 W A f g 0.0 30.0 30.0 500.0 03:18:49 0.0 01:00:00