"Second, monitor the performance of the control system and eliminate any failure which might damage the mirror blank inside. The Pilot should be alert for computer crashes, stuck-on heaters, defective themocouple readings or power failures, and be ready for corrective action."
"Third, record and analyze data on the history of the firing. detailed study of the data may provide advance notice of an impending failure. Recording data also allows us to study the system performance after the fact and improve the processing paramaters for the next mirror."
"Finally, and most important, the Oven Pilot should know when to call for help. The Oven is a very complex machine and nobody understands the intricacies of all its parts. On the other hand we can't afford to keep half a dozen people on watch 24 hours a day. If you see a problem you can't handle or you are uncertain, call for help." The normal routine of the Pilot varies little from one shift to the next. When you arrive (always on time if not early) to take your watch, you will read in the logbook all that has transpired since your last watch, and then sign-in in the logbook. Your predesessor will sign out, and will brief you on anything that you need to be especially aware of. You will do the same at the end of your watch for your relief. All logbook entries should include the time (24 hour clock please) in the left margin. Keeping the log is one of the most important duties of the Pilot, and is not to be neglected. When ANY change is made, of any sort, it is to be noted in the log. "Record all problems in the logbook, even if they seem minor, or you have corrected them. This helps the programmers and engineers and scientists make the system more reliable. Keep a detailed record in the logbook of what is going on. Things that seem obvious now may be forgotten a year from now."
J.M.Hill 22Nov87
No more than three (3) visitors are permitted in the control room under any circumstances. All visitors MUST be accompanied by an escort from the Mirror Lab staff. (The escort requirement can be waived if the visitors bring chocolate chip cookies, pizza or chinese food [fresh] for the oven pilots to eat.)
During the high temperature casting days, we may provide video footage of the oven pilot at the control console. Visitors may view the oven video screens at remote monitors on the lab floor. A remote display of the oven temperature maps may also be available.