I keep them at /u1/linux/Armbian
include/generated/autoconf.hThis is the place to look to find out about macros like CONFIG_ARCH_SUN8I. In fact when I grep this file for "CONFIG_ARCH_SUN", I see only:
#define CONFIG_ARCH_SUN8IW7 1 #define CONFIG_ARCH_SUN8IW7P1 1 #define CONFIG_ARCH_SUNXI 1 #define CONFIG_ARCH_SUN8I 1According to information gleaned elsewhere, the Allwinner H3 chip is a "sun8i", specifically a "sun8iw7p1".
Especially look in arch/arm/mach-sunxi/include/mach
And more especially, these 4 files:
arch/arm/mach-sunxi/include/mach/sun8i/irqs-sun8iw7p1.h arch/arm/mach-sunxi/include/mach/sun8i/memory-sun8iw7p1.h arch/arm/mach-sunxi/include/mach/sun8i/platform-sun8iw7p1.h arch/arm/mach-sunxi/include/mach/sun8i/platsmp.h
Tom's electronics pages / tom@mmto.org