February, 2012

Startup and GUI's

The telescope operator typically launches the WFS software from desktop menus on either the operator console machine yggdrasil or its "brother" machine hoseclamp. These menus ultimately are configured by files in the directory /mmt/admin/desktop. Each menu entry will invoke the script shwfs_unified.tcl with appropriate arguments. For example the startup file for F9_Blue invokes:
/mmt/shwfs/shwfs_unified.tcl F9 Blue
This script accepts two arguments, the first is the optical configuration (fmode), the second is the instrument.

A collection of GUI

The shwfs_unified.tcl script brings up several GUI, labelled as follows: Virtually all user interaction is with the F9 SHWFS gui, and that interaction consists of selecting files and then clicking the centroid button. There is also a Reload button, which is used to reload the file list after some new WFS images have been taken (this could, but does not, happen automatically).

Running a developers copy

I do this routinely on my desktop machine where I have a directory shwfs off of my home directory. I also have the /mmt directory network mounted, which means that hardwired paths to /mmt/shwfs will lay hold of the files in that directory and not the copies in my developer copy. This has caused some confusion, and I am finding and fixing these issues as I run across them. Along with copying the shwfs directory, I also have to do something about copying datadir. What I do is to copy the contents of some daily snapshot from /mmt/wfsdat to be datadir_yyyymmdd and then make datadir be a symbolic link to that. This allows me to easily switch between snapshots during debugging.