February, 2012

MMT WFS - Fedora Package requirements

Given that the MMT WFS software uses a diversity of software technologies, it should not be surprising that it requires a multitude of fedora packages to be installed. Here is a partial list of things that may not ordinarily be installed: The package python-stsci will require iraf. We build both of these locally as rpms at the MMT. Also note that python-stsci will conflict with the pyfits package, but will provide the same things and a lot more.

As part of the iraf package install, some scripts are placed into /etc/profile.d that define important iraf environment variables (such as "iraf" and "IRAFARCH"). However, it is necessary to log out and then log in again for these variables to become defined for the current session.

A person might just want to do yum install iraf*, but I have not yet done this.