

catpos -- obtain current catalog coordinates


catpos (inquisitive)

Typical Output

cat_id FK5-0002
cat_ra 0.15297083
cat_dec 59.14977221
cat_rapm 6.82700000
cat_decpm -18.09000000
cat_epoch 2000.00000000
cat_coord J

Explanatory comments

This command returns the last catalog coordinates sent to the mount via the "star" command. RA is in fractional hours, DEC is in fractional degrees.

cat_id object name from catalog.

cat_ra current catalog right ascension (fractional hours).

cat_dec current catalog declination (fractional degrees).

cat_rapm current catalog RA proper motion (fractional).

cat_decpm current catalog DEC proper motion (fractional).

cat_epoch catalog epoch (fractional years).

cat_coord "J" or "B"