

alt_servo -- obtain elevation servo information


alt_servo (inquisitive)

Typical Output

curalt 0.000000
comalt 0.000000
objalt 89.835658
velalt 0.000000
vincalt 0.000000
vincalt2 0.000000
dalt 0
modealt tracking
tflagsalt G
perralt 0
scmdalt 0
vmaxalt 0.000000

Explanatory comments

This command returns values associated with the elevation axis:

curalt current position (fractional degrees).

comalt commanded position (fractional degrees).

objalt object elevation if tracking (fractional degrees).

velalt velocity from abs encoder (fractional degrees/second).

vincalt velocity from incr encoder (fractional degrees/second).

vincalt2 velocity from incr encoder (fractional degrees/second).

dalt elevation drive status

modealt motion mode (tracking or slewing or ...)

tflagsalt TCS servo flag string.

sflagsalt LM628 status flag string.

perralt position error (encoder count units).

scmdalt servo velocity command (scaled encoder units).

vmaxalt velocity limit (degrees/second).