Concrete Example of use of the protocol:

The following script accesses the protocol on port 5240 and displays the strings returned on standard output. It was used to obtain most of the example output used in the command descriptions given previously.

For example "showme telpos" would show the response lines (up to but not including the ".EOF") for the telpos command.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: remote.sgml,v 1.2 2002/05/03 05:30:26 tom Exp $

use IO::Socket;
use strict;

# 3/22/2001 incorporate switches from "im"

# defaults ...

my $test = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $thing = "info";

my $host = "mount";
my $port = 5240;

#my $host = "kofa";
#my $port = 13;	# daytime

while ( $_ = $ARGV[0] ) {
    last unless /^-/;
#   print "Arg: $_\n";

    $test = 1 if /^-t/;
    $verbose = 1 if /^-v/;

    $host = "mmtcell" if /^-c/;

    $thing = "stack" if /^-s/;
    $thing = "time" if /^-t/;
    $thing = "mem" if /^-x/;

    $thing = "telpos" if /^-p/;
    $thing = "telstat" if /^-m/;
    $thing = "cellstat" if /^-n/;

# override host or port with environment variable.

if ( $ENV{MOUNT_HOST} ) {
    $host = $ENV{MOUNT_HOST};

if ( $ENV{MOUNT_PORT} ) {
    $port = $ENV{MOUNT_PORT};

# final override from command line
if ( $test ) {
    $host = "mmvme2";

if ( defined $_ ) {
    $thing = $_;

print "Asking $host (on port $port) for $thing\n" if $verbose;

my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new (
		PeerAddr => $host,
		PeerPort => $port,
		Proto => 'tcp'

die "No socket!! (Reason: $!)\n" unless $sock;

print $sock "$thing\n";

while ( defined($_ = <$sock>) ) { 
    last if /^.EOF/;

close ($sock);