") != 0) { $table = "Error, detected error div in the JPL result HTML"; $success = false; } /* *** 2 *** * Second form post: set the Target body. */ if(!isset($_POST['body'])) { $body_group = "all"; $find_body = "Search"; $postString = "body_group=" . $body_group . "&find_body=" . $find_body . "&sstr=" . $sstr; } else { /* When we are relaying a selectbox from Horizons, body gets set */ $sstr = $_POST['body']; $postString = "body=" . $sstr . "&select_body=Select Indicated body"; $_SESSION['ephemeris_object'] = $sstr; } curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "/tmp/cookieFileName"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postString); $result = curl_exec($curl); if(strpos($result, "
") != 0) { $table = "Error, detected error div in the JPL result HTML"; $success = false; } else if(strpos($result, "

Target Body

") != 0) { /* end up here if Horizons handed back a menu/choice */ $tmpBegin = strpos($result, " What is the start time? (in UT) YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm What is the end time? (in UT) YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm    
First Entry of the Ephemeris will send the telescope below the horizon
" ); } else { echo ( "to:
" ); } $jd = $first->jdut; $ra = $first->ra; $dec = $first->dec; $alt = $first->alt; $az = $first->az; echo("JD: $jd
RA: $ra
DEC: $dec
(ALT: $alt AZ: $az)"); ?>
			echo($header . "\n\n");
			// echo "


\n"; } ?>
Display table data to be sent
Mount Crate host:
Mout Crate port:
Lines in table: