May 22, 2019

Grinder - VME hardware

The oven is controlled by 3 VME computers. These three are in most aspects identical peers.

The compliment of VME boards in each is identical, as follows:

All of this was state of the art hardware back around 1986 when the oven was designed and put together. It says a lot about it that it is still running with few issues over 30 years later.

One notable difference is that computer 0 has a serial link to the rotation control computer (an 8 bit 8751 machine).


There are no special drivers for the MVME147, at least none that we wrote. The MM6702 board is supported by a handful of routines in oven.c
adc.c -- driver for the MVP-906
sio.c -- driver for the Force SIO
dculib.c - includes support for the Force OPIO (written by Dave Harvey).

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

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