May 24, 2019

Grinder - the bi-parameters

What are these mysterious bi-parameters and why are they so special?

It turns out there are not many of them, they only total up to 172 bytes.
The following code explains it all.

#define N_ZONE          21

typedef struct  {
        b_zone          zone[N_ZONE];
        b_misc          misc;
} b_database;

typedef struct  {
        TIME    time;           /* zone time                            */
        BOOL    clock;          /* clock running ?                      */
} b_zone;

typedef struct  {
        int     info;
} b_misc;

The lonely "info" value is apparently entirely unused.

The zone info has a clock for each zone, along with a flag to indicate if the clock is running or not. There is another section that discusses the interesting and important business of the clocks.

What it all boils down to though is that the bi-parameters is all about zone clocks.

Notice also that all these things are 4 byte objects, so the size of the structure is 21*(4+4) + 4 = 172 bytes.

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

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