August 1, 2023

Garmin 66i -- How to lock keys

This is easy, but not well explained in the documentation. With the unit up and running, click the power button. A brief click is not enough and too long of a click will power down the unit. Something in between brings up a "secret screen" that only stays up for about 3 seconds.

The "secret screen" offers a "lock keys" option among other things. The "lock keys" option is selected by default, so all you have to do to lock the keys is to click "enter" and it is done. Nothing changes to indicate that keys are locked, but if you click on any key you will be told that the keypad is locked.

So, in short -- click the power button then click enter and it is done.

To unlock it, just click the power button and let it time out.

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

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