April 18, 2024

EBAZ4205 Bitcoin miner board - linux -- the "miner" program

Once upon a time, this was what this board was all about. It can be disabled as follows:
mv /etc/rcS.d/S95cgminer.sh /etc/rcS.d/K95cgminer.sh
This file looks like so:
sleep 2
ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full autoneg off
sleep 2
ifconfig eth0 up
sleep 2
echo "appstartup ....."
/opt/system/appstartup &
sleep 2
echo "appstartup ..... end"
: exit 0
appstartup is a script, as is "startscrip" should you care to look at them. They pull the miner application out of tar files in work0 or work1 each time and start it up. Looking for "dwang_btc_miner" using "ps aux" will tell you if it is running or not. Just as a matter of interest:
cd /
du -s *
2501	bin
3739	boot
0	dev
184	etc
2677	home
1	init
10547	lib
0	media
0	mnt
12931	opt
0	proc
24	run
1128	sbin
0	sys
1	tmp
2938	usr
11247	var
The /opt directory is the biggest subdirectory in the system, and could be deleted entirely once you decide you could care less about the bitcoin mining software. The "du" command reports sizes in 512 byte units, so this is around 6M of our 64M root partition.
Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's Computer Info / tom@mmto.org