April 21, 2024

EBAZ4205 Bitcoin miner board - "cgminer" software (part 4)

In part 4, we pulled some dirty tricks with chpasswd and learned what the root password was that the board ships with. Or we think we did. So let's test it.

I was too lazy to switch the root password back, but then got the following idea. Make a new user, and insert the encrypted password string for him into /etc/passwd and see what happens.

adduser sam
This works fine, asks me for a password (I respond with "sam") and things look good. I see an entry in /etc/passwd as well as a directory /home/sam created.

We have the original encrypted password line for root that we saved in an earlier exercise:

So, lets hack that in to /etc/passwd for sam, so we get:
sam:GJhyTePXt9Nbs:1000:1000:Linux User,,,:/home/sam:/bin/sh
Now the big test. The password should be: e2893c3b

On my desktop fedora system:

ssh sam@ebaz
sam@ebaz's password:
Yep, it works. That is the correct password. Note: a fellow I am corresponding with checked some machines he has and found:
-- Tucson chpass:  root:!@#gminer$%^

Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's Computer Info / tom@mmto.org