June 3, 2022


We are talking heirloom beans here. If you haven't tried these, you just don't know.

My bean list

I am on an informal project to try all the different beans that come my way. And a lot are coming my way now that I am on the Rancho Gordo bean club. As a way to focus my own attention (if nothing else), I decided to compile a list here, with whatever comments I might have.

Pinto beans

I was sort of shocked when I got a pound of these from Rancho Gordo. Who do they think they are sending me Pinto beans? But then it occured to me that this could be interesting. Maybe part of why I haven't enjoyed grocery store pintos is because they have been bouncing around hot warehouses for months or even years. This is a chance to try some fresh "new crop" Pintos.

No question about it, these are much better than the grocery store pintos. They are still pintos mind you, and by no means my favorite beans. It is clear that the beans on the grocery store shelves have been around for some time. Even with soaking, they stay hard and need extra cooking. Fresh pintos cook quickly and are .... well they are nice.

Cannelini beans

From Adobe Milling Company. These are a small to medium sized white bean. Even though mine have been on the shelf a while, they are cooking up nicely and proving to be an enjoyable and very neutral bean.

Mayacoba beans

From Rancho Gordo. A very nice smallish bean. Originally from Peru, now grown in California. Perhaps one of my favorites. They are pale tan-yellow before they are cooked, but turn pale white. I think they are fine on their own, with a bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper.
Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's Culinary Resources / tom@mmto.org