There is a file /etc/updatedb.conf. And you can type "man updatedb.conf". What I can do is to add /u2 to the already existing list of PRUNEPATHS:
PRUNEPATHS = "/tmp /media /dev /sys /proc /run /var/cache /var/spool /u2"
su cd /usr/bin ln -s vim vi
What I am talking about is when I have multiple terminal windows open in a workspace, I get one terminal window "icon" with a count, and to find, or close a window I have to monkey around with this. I swear it didn't use to be this way, and I am sure it wasn't. But here is how to fix this.
They call this nasty stupid behavior "window grouping" and it is fairly easy to turn off:
Right click on the taskbar, select Panel -- Panel Preferences. Select the Items tab Select Window Buttons in the list Click the Edit button (below and rightish) Uncheck "group windows by application"Wow! It is wonderful to bail out of this behavior.
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