July 1, 2021

Fedora 34 -- upgrade via DNF

I will first upgrade my home system. It has an SSD and usually can be upgraded in under 2 hours. First I boot to the latest kernel:
dnf update
After that, I do:
dnf upgrade --refresh   (yields: nothing to do)
dnf -y system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=34
This gets into trouble with the following error:
 Problem 1: package qlandkartegt-1.8.1-28.fc33.x86_64 requires libgdal.so.27()(64bit)
 Problem 2: package qpdfview-qt4-0.4.18-5.fc33.x86_64 requires libpoppler-qt4.so.4()(64bit)
My answer to this is:
dnf erase qlandkartegt
dnf erase qpdfview
dnf -y system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=34
These are two packages I was sampling and experimenting with, and I can attempt to reinstall them once I am up and running Fedora 34. Now I am off and running installing 4146 packages.

After about 3000 packages it declares that it cannot find the following package.

This is some codec or something that I can surely live without, so:
dnf erase gstreamer1-plugin-openh264
dnf -y system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=34
All of this took about 1/2 hour and now the thing to do is:
dnf system-upgrade reboot
And after a total elapsed time of about 1.5 hours I am running Fedora 34 on my home system.

Now for my work system

This does not have an SSD so it will take longer. The same simple process as above, but I do it remotely. This system has no problems at all and after something after 2 hours is back online running Fedora 34.

And now the mirror lab machines

These are still running Fedora 32, so we will first upgrade to 33, then go to 34.

First we reboot to get us running the latest kernel.

Then we do the f33 packages. This system was installed as F32, so we need to manually install the dnf upgrade package.
dnf upgrade --refresh	(yields: nothing to do)
dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
dnf -y system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=33
dnf system-upgrade reboot
This system only has 1700 packages installed and has a very fast SSD, so this goes amazingly quickly. Also it hasn't accumulated years of cruft, so there are no package conflicts. The hop to F34 is pretty much the same thing:
dnf upgrade --refresh	(yields: nothing to do)
dnf -y system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=34
dnf system-upgrade reboot

Mirror Lab issues

When I try to start ovend I get:
ovend: error while loading shared libraries: libcfitsio.so.7:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Using "locate" I see this very file where I think it should be:
However, when I type "ldconfig -v | grep fits" I see:
libcfitsio.so.9 -> libcfitsio.so.9.3.49
So there is a newer version of the library.
So I recompile ovend and everything is fine! In other words I do this:
cd newoven
make clean
make install

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

Adventures in Computing / tom@mmto.org