Date: July 12, 2012
Fedora 17 has been out for long enough that I am ready to upgrade my most
critical machine at work. I choose to do a full fresh reinstall because
I can pick xfce instead of gnome (which I now hate) at install time and
have a much smoother running system.
First, I make a tarball of etc.tar on a partition that I will
keep after the reinstall. Then I burn an install DVD, boot from it, and let
the install reformat my root and /boot partitions.
A truly wise person would make some additional backups.
I did not do so, and now count this among the stupidest decisions
that I have ever made. Yes, despite my best intentions there were
a number of valuable things in my root partition that got lost.
Here is a partial list, that may get longer as I discover problems.
- mysql database stuff in /var/lib/mysql
- user crontab files in /var/spool/cron
- user accounts in /home that were not links to /u1/home
By far the best thing in the future would be to make a tarball
of the entire root partition -- it can always be deleted later
once everything is up and going -- having one would have definitely
have saved my butt this time.
If I am too stupid in the future to make a tarball of all of root,
I might at least make a tarball of /var as well as /etc.
I have addressed two of the above issues for the future.
I restored what I could of the lost user account and moved it to
my /u1 partition, making a link in /home (as I always should do).
I also edited /etc/my.conf and moved the datadir for the mysql
database to /u1/mysql.
The install goes smoothly. I watch carefully when it gives me the option
of which packages to install to click the inconspicuous "customize now"
checkbox. Then I deselect Gnome, select Xfce, and blaze ahead.
Get the machine back on the network
Once I am up, I edit /etc/selinux/config and disable selinux.
I also do a yum erase NetworkManager, then reboot.
Then I edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and
basically copy my old static configuration from my backup /etc
directory. I need to explicitly set the GATEWAY variable to
get a default route (GATEWAY0 did not cut it), and then I am
on the air. A check of the resolv.conf file shows it as being OK.
Some weird business showed up later though.
See this discussion of
Fedora network device renaming.
Do a yum update
This drags in over 450 new packages,
including a new kernel I reboot to run.
After the reboot, I have to do service network restart by hand.
This could be related to ditching network manager.
Get my home directory back
I edit fstab to mount my old /u1 partition (which has my
home directory). I make a link from /home/user to /u1/user and
log out and back in to make that home directory active.
I also bite the bullet and change my UID from 104 to 1004 to
comply with the new Fedora convention of reserving the first
1000 UID values for system use. I do a chown -R command on
the entire /u1 partition to make things consistent, and this does
not take all that long.
Get my web server back online
I copy my old /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file into place and try a
service httpd restart. I get into trouble with my rails virtual
hosts. Rails is always trouble. I will need to find and install
the passenger package (yum fails me here), but for now I comment out
some RailsEnv settings and make a symbolic link for my document root
(which is also in my /u1 partition, and I am on the air.
Grub2 and rhgb
Since I did a fresh install, I get grub2, and I no longer just go into
the /boot partition and edit files nice and easy (sigh!).
Now I edit /etc/default/grub
and after editing, type the command:
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg .
Firewall rules
Copy my old /etc/sysconfig/iptables file and restart the iptables service.
Before this, port 22 was open and that was all.
ssh host identity
Copy the file /etc/ssh/ssh_host*.
After this something odd arose, namely I could not ssh to this machine using keys from
machines that formerly could do so. It turns out this was a setting in
/etc/ssh/sshd_config that was telling sshd to look only at the
authorized_keys file and not authorized_keys2. I just commented out the following
line and now everything works as before:
#AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
mysql database restoration
As mentioned above, I lost the contents of /var/lib/mysql.
I had an old copy of this directory, which I restored into /u1/mysql.
I am determined NOT to just put this back in /var/lib where it
will be forgotten and deleted again someday.
I edit /etc/my.cnf to specify the new location of the database files.
(I simply set datadir=/u1/mysql).
user crontab entries
I lost these, they were in /var/spool/cron.
I will have to regenerate them by hand.
tracker-miner is a CPU hog
My machine seems extremely sluggish and running top shows me two processes with huge
CPU utilization, namely tracker-miner-fs and tracker-store. What the heck are these and
what is the fastest way to get rid of them? Apparently you can configure them (whatever
they are) by installing tracker-ui-tools.
Apparently this is more broken software brought to us by the gnome team.
Here are some suggestions:
- tracker-control -r will remove databases
- tracker-control -S displays status
- run gnome-session-properties and unclick three tracker items (this worked).
- find and delete .cache/tracker directory (did this)
- yum erase tracker - some gnome things (like totem and brasero) depend on it,
(who cares if they are typical broken gnome stuff).
Even after all this, I had to kill the tracker processes by hand, now things seem much better.
Get my rails web stuff back on the air
I am putting this in
my collection of rails notes
since it gets somewhat long, hairy, and ugly.
Have any comments? Questions?
Drop me a line!
Adventures in Computing /