You cannot just let the install DVD do its usual thing, you must tell it to revert to an ancient dialog in order to be able to do this. Watch closely when the disk first fires up and insert the askmethod option on the boot line, i.e. you want something like:
linux askmethodIn my case, I used the usual grub editor and appended askmethod to the default set of boot options.
For whatever reason, this makes the installer use a non-graphical install (when you see this happening and realize that your mouse is useless you should feel confident that you are on the right path). After questions about your language and keyboard and many other things, it will offer you a menu of ways to install. The bottom one (labelled URL) is the one you want. The URL you give must contain the directory images within which is the file install.img. In my case I used:
http://server.mydomain/fedora/releases/11/Fedora/x86_64/osBefore long it is rattling merrily along through packages.
yum install iraf\*After this yum install mmt_env moves along to the next problem:
GPG key retrieval failed: [Errno 4] IOError:What needs to be done is something like this:
rpm --import trick of course is having a URL for the key. Some keys install with fedora, and you can do:
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY*
su -c 'rpm -Uvh'If you want, do the free one first, then the non-free (or both at the same time).
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