April 19, 2024

EBAZ4205 Bitcoin miner board - Network

Let's get this thing on the network!

First things first, connect a cable.

Next on my desktop linux system I add these two lines to my /etc/hosts file:

# EBAZ4205 bitcoin miner board    ebaz

Now we need to assign that static IP address to the ebaz board. We do this by editing the file /etc/network/interfaces. I find it with virtually all the contents commented out other than the setup for the loopback inteface.
I add these lines:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
The nameserver IP is a public server ran by google.

Then issue the command:

ifup eth0
And I can ping ebaz! Also "ifconfig -a" shows the setup and a nonzero count of Rx and Tx packets.

What will happen after a reboot? I try it. It just works. The magic is in the file for run level 5 -- /etc/rc5.d/S01networking


This is not normally running, but you can start it by:
cd /usr/sbin
It drops itself into the background and keeps running, which is nice -- but you will have to add a file for it to /etc/rc5.d if you want it to always start up.

And once I do this, I can do "telnet ebaz" from my desktop.

ssh is more complex and I will devote a page to making it work.

Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's Computer Info / tom@mmto.org