Without any extra tools, printing an image on a Windows machine is almost insanely difficult, involving at least three device contexts all related to each other at different levels and a fair amount of trial-and-error.The above writer suggests generating PDF files and then letting Adobe Acrobat deal with the printing. This might not be a bad idea.
python3-reportlab.x86_64 python3-img2pdf.noarch python3-pdfminer.noarch python3-pikepdf.x86_64 pdflib-lite-python.x86_64 python-pikepdf-doc.x86_64 python3-lhapdf.x86_64 python3-pdfkit.noarch python3-pdfrw.noarch python3-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter-common.noarch python-PyMuPDF-doc.noarch python-PyPDF2-doc.noarch python3-PyMuPDF.x86_64 python3-PyPDF2.noarchAmong the above that are mentioned and recommended are reportlab and pdfrw. Also pikepdf (based on QPDF). Also we could use FPDF and install it via PIP (or some other method). And consider PyPDF2.
FPDF has at least 3 strikes against it. First is it is not available as a Fedora package. Second is that it was ported from PHP. Third is that I read that reportlab is "for more advanced users and is way more comprehensive". And now I read that "PyFPDF is dead, being replaced by fpdf2".
Adventures in Computing / tom@mmto.org