The Motorola MC6800 microprocessor

Note that the 6802 is the same as the 6800 except it has 128 bytes of on-chip ram (at address 0), and an on chip clock generator. The instruction set is exactly the same.

Here is a short PDF document summarizing the 6800 instruction set.

The 6800 was an accumlator style processor with registers as follows:

The condition codes were: There is one 16 bit address space (64K) and that is it, it must hold all RAM, EPROM, IO ports, everything.

Addressing modes:

Apparently the 6800 included an undocumented instruction that was dubbed the HCF instruction (halt and catch fire). Apparently this is opcode 0xDD or 0xD9, in which the processor continuously reads successive addresses without further instruction fetches, and without responding to interrupts; only a reset restores normal operation.

6800 startup

There are 8 bytes of memory reserved for reset and interrupt pointers as follows:
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