Stepper Motors

Stepper motors are great little devices. Unlike other motors that spin when you supply them power, stepper motors need to be sent pulses to make them go. Each pulse makes the shaft turn through some angle, and you can make them go either way. It is actually a little more complicated than that because there are several wires and pulses need to be sent on the different wires in a certain order, but that gives you a general idea about what a stepper motor is.

My stepper project

My present interest in stepper motors is focused on building the electronics needed to drive the motor contained in a Klinger UT100 translation stage.

Here is a overview of some commercial drivers, and if you do some searching on the internet you will find lots of circuits you can build. These motors are very popular (and rightly so) with hobbyists.

The motor in my Klinger stage has 4 windings and 6 wires. Each winding has 160 ohms of resistance. At first I thought it was a unipolar stepper, but it turns out it is a variable reluctance motor. I had hoped to use a bipolar driver for this motor (which is commonly done to run unipolar motors), but it turns out this will not work. But we are getting very much ahead of ourselves and ought to back up and explain some of these terms.

There are 3 kinds of stepper motors (actually there are more, but for purposes of controlling them, this 3 way breakdown does the job).

Bipolar and Unipolar motors have a permanent magnet built into the rotor, and if you spin the shaft by hand, you will feel a "cogging sensation" as the magnetized rotor aligns with different pole pieces. A variable reluctance motor is not magnetized, and will either feel smooth or have a slight cogging due to residual magnetism that has built up in the rotor.

Bipolar motors are called bipolar because you send current first one way and then the other way through a winding. This makes the circuits to drive them more complex (you need to use an H-bridge).

Unipolar motors are called unipolar because current only flows one way through a winding or not at all. This makes the circuits to drive them quite simple (a transistor switch is all that is needed).

Variable reluctance motors can be driven much the same way as unipolar motors. Since the rotor is not polarized, it doesn't make any difference if current goes one way or the other.

It is fairly common to drive unipolar motors using bipolar controllers, and there are several ways to do it.

It is not possible to run the windings in a 6 wire unipolar motor in parallel, because the fields generated by the two windings would be opposite and cancel each other. An 8 wire bipolar motor can be wired up so that the windings are properly in parallel because you have access to both ends of all the windings. Doing this will give more torque, but less speed. Such 8 wire motors are often called bifilar motors.

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