Install the new matlab. At this point in time, I install in a directory somewhere called Mathworks_2007b_64 or some such and make a symbolic link /home/Mathworks to point to that install. This would make a quick switch back to an earlier version pretty easy to do.
This is in M/rtw/c/mmt386 in the directory for the previous release. It would be good to cross check the following three files against what is in the tornado directory and merge in changes.
mmt386.tlc mmt386.tmf rt_main.c
This is in M/rtw/c/src/ext_mode_common, in particular there are changes to the following two files:
ext_svr.c ext_work.cLook for the strings: MMT and/or tjt in the source tree from the previous release.
At one time I had added some print statements to updown.c, but no longer do I do this.
rt_nonfinite.c rt_nonfinite.h rtwtypes.hWhat I do, is to fire up simulink, and use realtime workshop to build some model, then copy these files from there. This tacitly assumes that these files don't change from model to model, and thus far that assumption has been valid.
Once these files are in place, just type make and rtwlib.o gets generated. It usually isn't quite that simple. Files vanish (this is easily detected by the makefile tripping over the missing files), and new one appear (this needs to be discovered by a careful hand inspection of M/rtw/c/libsrc). For 2007b, several files vanished, but no new ones were added.
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