January 26, 2017

Fedora 24 and XFCE fonts

Actually there is nothing XFCE specific about all of this. After getting back to where I could run XFCE again, I was irritated and aggravated by the default font. A search turned up this little gem: So to get all of these, you do:
dnf install levien-inconsolata-fonts 
dnf install adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
dnf install mozilla-fira-mono-fonts
dnf install google-droid-sans-mono-fonts
dnf install dejavu-sans-mono-fonts
The article talks about another font named "hack", but it is not yet in a Fedora package.

Select one

I opened up an XFCE terminal, found the edit--preferences--appearance menu, unselected the "use system font" (it was FreeMono Regular, 12 pt) and then used the menu to select "Inconsolata Medium". Seems nice at 12 pt.

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

Adventures in Computing / tom@mmto.org