July 11, 2023

Learning Haskell - 2023

Hands down, the best resource for learning Haskell is the book, "Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!". It is available online, but I also strongly urge you to purchase the book. I urge you to buy the book, on one hand because it is so good, on the other because it is so reasonably priced and the author deserves to be rewarded.

Other books

I have tried other books and found them duds. The book "Real World Haskell" in particular I found greatly frustrating.

Here is another:

From 2021 -- I don't know a thing about it. There is another book "Practical Haskell", circa 2022 for $60. Too much money for me at this time. The book would need to have rave reviews.

The path

You can learn Haskell at the first level fairly easily. It is all about lists, recursion, using functions like map and filter. Two things are likely to show up as the barrier to the next level. One is the Maybe type, and the other is doing IO. You can deal with these without digging deeper, but you will sense that there is something lurking that you ought to learn. The thing lurking is Monads.


The number of Monad tutorials online is somewhat of a standing joke. I should try writing one myself every year as my understanding matures and I think of better ways to communicating. I found the following to be superb: I also ran across this. Print copy of this costs upward of $100, it must have been printed as a limited edition and is now a rare book. But here you have it as a djvu file. I find that evince works fine to view it on a linux system. Written by Alejandro Mena at Utrecht University. I see other references to the page count -- 394 pages. Apparently there is a second edition with more Scala and some corrections that I can live without.
The same author has published "Practical Haskell" as a print on demand book. I don't know a thing about it.
Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's Computer Info / tom@mmto.org