The temptation is to take the light hearted humor as an indication that the book is not serious. This is a big mistake. Another big mistake is trying to skip things that don't seem important. All the details are important, and the order they are presented by the author is carefully chosen.
Another tip. Don't think that you have a clue based on experience with other languages. Take Haskell types as an example -- these are very different from anything you have seen before. If you don't pay attention to "type classes", you are going to have serious trouble later on. As another example, take the "return" statment. It does something totally unexpected and very definitely not what you expect from other languages.
Stick with this book and you will be well rewarded. I spent a lot of time with it online and then purchased a printed copy.
I also bought "Haskell: the Craft of functional programming" and thought it was a waste. It is a textbook, covers only the basics, and was a let down for me. My money would have better been spent elsewhere.
The book "Parallel and Concurrent programming in Haskell" is recommended by some. It dates from 2013. The author has been a major player in Haskell itself and the book is recommended for examples of real programming.
The following are recommended online resources:
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