Heurikon HK68/ME boot roms

Somewhere along the paths of life I cam into possession of a pair of Heurikon HK68/ME Multibus-I CPU boards. These were made circa 1988 and have either a 10 or 12.5 Mhz MC68000 or MC68010 processor in a PGA socket. My boards also have 1M of DRAM. My boards have empty EPROM sockets, so they won't do a doggone thing until I put something into those sockets. This is a classic embedded programming project.

Being a sensible man, I will attempt to do as much coding as humanly possible in C, and in particular use GCC as a development system. I will want to run this on my x86 based linux box, so I will need to build a cross compiler (in my case, I am in luck since I have already built binutils and gcc as a cross compiler for another MC680x0 based project, namely a VxWorks project that uses MC68030 and MC68040 boards. I am going to see how far I can get just using that set of tools, which hopefully will be all the way through the whole process.

Through the kindness and generosity of Heurikon, I have a nice users manual (dated September, 1990) for this board (I would be into a major reverse engineering adventure without it). This is the kind of company I am delighted to do business with.

I also have a prom burner, an eprom eraser, and a healthy supply of blank (or at least erasable and reusable) EPROMS. At least initially I will be using the burn-test-erase-repeat approach. An eprom emulator (which I have) would be far nicer, but since this board has a pair of sockets (even and odd bytes), I would need a pair of emulators (which I do not have), so unless I want to build or purchase something that will support a pair of sockets, I don't have much choice.

Convincing GNU ld to link code to pop into an EPROM at some wacky specific address requires writing a linker script for ld. This is not the kind of thing folks normally have to do, so it pays off to take a look at the documentation for GNU ld:

Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's Computer Info / tom@mmto.org