July 30, 2023
Assembly Language - A development system
I am old school. This means I use the command line for things like this.
I run linux (specifically Fedora 38 on my Intel X86_64 desktop).
I use the vim editor and good old Gnu make to manage my projects.
These are a given with any basic linux install.
But we need an ARM assembler. You may be shocked to learn that I just use
the Gnu C compiler to handle ARM assembly files. I run:
When I feed it a xyz.S file, it knows what to do -- no doubt running arm-linux-gnu-as
behind the scenes. The Fedora packages to install are:
If you just "dnf install gcc-arm-linux-gnu" it will pull in binutils (which includes "as")
as a dependency, and that is what I recommend doing.
What about Windows?
No doubt there are any number of ways to set up a development system on windows.
I won't try to tell you about something I have never done.
What about Arduino?
These are not the droids we are looking for.
Arduino is basically a sugar-coated front end to C++ development.
I know of no way to use it for the kind of assembly language projects we
are going to tackle.
Feedback? Questions?
Drop me a line!
Tom's Computer Info / tom@mmto.org