August 23, 2022

Setting up to take photos and do focus stacking

Boot up the windows machine. That is the first step. Make sure the camera (my Canon 1D Mark III) is plugged in via the AC adapter and connected via a USB cable.

Turn on power to the focus stand controller.

Launch the "Canon EOS Utility v2" and you should get a GUI and if you click on live view in that GUI, you will see what the camera sees. With my present camera, you can only get live view using the EOS utility.

To actually capture images, exit the EOS utility and start up lightroom and use File -- tethered capture to get a connection to capture the images.

Now, start the server on the focus stand controller. I should make it always start this on boot, but for now:

cd /home/tom/gui
node gui.js
The command "focus" is a script on my linux machine that makes an ssh connection as root.

Now start a browser and go to and this should give you the focus stand control GUI.

Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

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