November 7, 2024

My BBB Focus controller in 2024

It doesn't work.
There are a myriad of problems.

My old instructions say to do "putty focus" to access it, but Windows no longer has a host entry for focus. Trying does not work either, but see below on that.

We drag the box over to my linux system and use the USB to serial cable to access the console. It boots up nicely and I can log in as root without a password. I thank myself.

I use "ifconfig -a" to discover that the IP is That explains my trouble accessing it from Windows.

It is running the wretched and hated Angstrom linux. This uses busybox for most things, running vi is totally screwed up because it has no clue about the window size. There are a myriad of Angstrom related issues that make sorting out the current problems an even greater pain.

Trying to ssh from my Fedora 41 system gives me this:

Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching key exchange method found.
Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
Putty on Windows has no problem when I specify It asks me for a user name, and then a password. I hit return for a password and I am in.

On Windows I use in Chrome and the GUI starts up. I can also launch the GUI on linux, but I have to use the full in Chrome or it thinks I want to do a search.


The IP number changed. I am pretty sure it is getting this via DHCP and I did rearrange things in my DHCP server. So I should put a proper host entry on Windows for "focus" and/or change my notes.

I should do the same on my linux system.

I need to sort out the ssh issues on Fedora. Those morons have updated ssh to only use modern protocols without thinking about people like me who need to access legacy embedded systems where it is all but impossible to update the ssh server to use the recommended protocols.

Avoiding having anything to do with Angstrom is highly recommended. I should set up a Debian boot disk and move this application to Debian ASAP.

I do a "shutdown now" using my console connection. As always I get a kernel panic (good old Angstrom!!).

Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

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