March 12, 2023

Chlorargyrite from Tombstone

This is a piece, not yet mounted, collected in the 409 stope of the Empire mine -- yesterday -- 3/11/2023

Another attempt doing a stack using my Mitutoyo 10x.

At this time, the Mitutoyo is mounted in front of a Canon 200mm f/4 FD mount prime lens.

I set bottom, top to 99900 and 100350 and I use a step size of 5 motor steps (roughly 7 microns). This should yield 90 images (it yields 91).

Illumination is a single Jansjo lamp. Iso 100, 1/8 second exposure. I am lazy and don't turn out the room lights (fluorescent).

I crop it square, keeping the full sensor height. With the APS-H sensor on my camera, the sensor is 18.7 mm tall, so the image area here is 1.87 mm. I do about 10 minutes of retouching using Zerene, but using a diffusor should eliminate most of the problems I needed to retouch.

Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

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