August 24, 2023

Miles per year, how much do I drive?

A quick answer is 12,000 miles per year.

An average over the past 4 years (2020 through 2023) is 12,295 miles.

Here are details for several years, based on data in my logbooks. For the year 2023, I scaled up the 7 months of data for January through July to a full year. The first number is miles in the Toyota Tacoma, the second number is miles in the Toyota Camry.

2016  10754 + 8478 = 19,232
2020  6356 + 4471  = 10,827
2021  9670 + 3467  = 13,137
2022  5419 + 9721  = 15,140
2023  6653 + 3424  = 10,077
With the exception of 2022, I drove the Tacoma more than the Camry, but I am surprised at the high proportion of driving in the Camry.

Now that the Camry is gone ("replaced" by my new 4runner), it will be interesting to see how these numbers project and what the proportion of 4runner versus Tacoma mileage will work out.

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

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