Septermber 7, 2018

Release notes for the Atopo map application for android

This is a reverse chronological list of changes to help inform those who install and use this software of what changes are being made in new versions.

September 9, 2018

A huge amount of work has been done to allow the program to startup if not all levels are present. It will now work if only l1 and l2 are present on internal storage for example.

The specific versions that start up in Tucson, Reno, Salt Lake City and so forth have now been eliminated and those choices are also gone from the menu. This is no longer relevant with the new behavior of the program to remember the last location it was being used at and to start up there.

September 7, 2018

I add /storage to the list of places that atopo looks for the "topo" directory in order to find the maps. This is a first attempt to allow internal storage to be used. Up to now, maps have only been installed by placing them on a micro-SD card. This is for Paul, who tells me that he uses a package called "termux" on his phone, which runs an SSH server (and other handy linux tools) allowing him to copy the maps via "scp" as a tarball.

This release is also the first that saves the current location each time atopo shuts down and then starts up there the next time. This makes the old business of having a customized startup location for each user obsolete. On the next release, atopo as shipped will start up someplace that is "entertaining", but then will follow the user around.

Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

Atopo /