June 11, 2023

Android Studio - SDK

In Android studio, use "tools -- SDK manager", then I select "Android UpsideDownCake Preview". I click OK. My goal is to have "Device Manager" on the IDE so I can bring up a virtual device. I probably did not need to do this -- I see "device manager" along the left side of the IDE.

I try selecting "Tiramasu" as a "System Image" but it complains that I have no /dev/kvm. So I go down the list and Sv2 (Android 12L) seems to work. Away it goes. This takes a while. When it finishes, I have Pixel 6 API 32 in my Device Manager.

Apparently to select Android 13, I need /dev/kvm. It suggests that I go into my BIOS, enable VT-x in my security settings, then if linux has a working KVM module, I will be in business.
I do this. I reboot. In the BIOS I find "Intel Virtualization Technology" and I enable it. Then I reboot. And voila! I see /dev/kvm. I am now running linux 6.3.6

I no longer get the /dev/kvm warning, but I still cannot select Tiramasu (it tells me that a system image must be selected, yet won't let me select it). So I'll stick with 12L.

I go into the SDK manager and tell it to install 32, 33, and 34 (Tiramasu is 33). This yields no change.

Back to the device manager. Next to Tiramasu is a downarrow icon. This seems to be an element I can click, agree to a license, and it is downloading something now via an "SDK component installer". This is promising (and takes a while).. And that was it!! Now I have a virtual device with 33 (Tiramasu). 34 is also available.

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

Adventures in Computing / tom@mmto.org