December 11, 2020

3D Printing - Why the Creality Ender 3D Pro?

I did not make an exhaustive study of other options, relying on a trusted recommendation rather than online research. On the other hand, now that I have it, I have no regrets.

It does not really matter if this is the best possible choice, as long as it is not actually a bad choice. And it is hard to believe it is a bad choice. There is no question that there are better printers, but I am not sure if there are better printers for that price.

The Creality Printers are made in China and well regarded. They come with a 1 year warranty, but are not generous about how they work with you on it. I am OK with that I think. It has become somehow acceptable to abuse warrantys terribly, and in a sense I admire them for playing hardbal a bit. So as long as they take care of someone with a DOA or actual defective printer, I am OK with it.

My unit arrived 12-13-2020, only 3 days after ordering it (I placed the order Thursday 12-10-2020) It arrived on a weekend to boot. Seems like a miracle. I wasn't expecting to see it until midweek (like 12-16 or so). Shipped from the City of Industy in California.

My unit has the 8 bit Atmega AT1284P based mainboard, so it does not have the upgraded CPU and the "quiet" Trinamic drivers. That can be fixed for $38 as near as I can tell -- if it matters, or if my zeal to have an STM32F103 somehow finds no rest.

But we have a problem

I get it all put together and fire it up. I can use the "prepare" dialog to move the X, Y, and Z motor, but the "E" axis (E for "extruder") does not work. I try swapping cables between X and E and verify that the motor itself works (when I send commands to X when the cable is going to the extruder). Similarly I verify that the cable itself is fine. So there is something wrong with the controller board.

I communicate with Ender about this and after some discussion they agree to send me a new controller board. On 12/17/2020 they agree to send me the board and on 12/28/2020 it arrives (DHL did the final delivery). Given that the Christmas holiday intervened, I think this is pretty good for a shipment from China.

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

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